From my heart

Please bear with me as I am still recuperating from surgery. I have such great intentions–to read your messages, comment, or at least “like” them. But I am falling further and further behind.

I’ve even worked on the “Sunshine Award”, and posted it; however, I haven’t sent you the congratulations letter. I also want to do another “Sunshine Award” post and add all of the others of you that I follow, to the award nominations. I’m frustrated because I have so little energy. As I sit here today, contemplating all that I want to do here on the site, I am in major physical pain. Because I can’t take pain meds because of the effect they have on me, I am going through this recuperation on my own with the help of  God and my husband.

Just sharing my heart with you, with the sincere hope you’ll just understand.

Much love and blessings,




  1. Dear Sharon, sorry for your pain. I use the following for pain, maybe you will find then beneficial, please research and pray over it.

    Frankincense resin
    Pineapple extract
    Cramp bark
    Black cohosh



  2. Be strong! You have a heart that is beautiful enough to put up this post despite the pains. We appreciate and wish you well. Soon you’ll be fine and telling us your story. Speedy recovery!


    1. Please know how much your comment inspired me. It makes so much difference to know people are praying for us, doesn’t it? It brings us together in a very special way under the Lordship of Jesus. Thank you for your prayers and concern. God bless you.


  3. Father God,

    I ask you to relieve your precious daughter of the pain she is suffering and continue to strenghten and heal her body. I thank you for what you’ve already done for her. Please give her the strenght to write her blog and do anything else she her will heart wants to do for you. Bless her husband for all the care He has given her. I ask this in Jesus name…amen.


    1. What a sweet prayer. It gives me such encouragement today to know that you are praying for us. I feel His strength. It is only through Him that I can do this. Thank you for your concern and thoughtfulness. God bless you.


  4. Oh Sharon – I’ve been so out of touch, I had no idea. I’ll begin praying now for your healing and for encouragement for you and Eric.
    (no need to respond to this comment – just take care and know that I care, even though I’ve been so out of touch)
    love and peace to you, dear Sharon,


Thank you. Be blessed!